
Sunday, March 15, 2009

i'm so happy today =D

i am so happy as we finally finish the exhibition. woohoo.
i love kairou as she performed so damn well
and SAS really impressed me.
i love the building that convent had made. shana really did damn well!
and i salute jingqin for having such a great idea to make full use of the bamboo.
woohoo i love all of them. just a lil disappointed is the front part of the exibition which the rotarians really bored by the explaination i think. but it's ok. at least we do it with pride and wee look high =D

WU day can really be considered as friendship day for me haha. i met lots of primary school fren der and was really having a great time=D WU day makes me feel like i am turning bac the time. hehe. and also able to see thru the good and the bad. the true and the fake. i am really looking forward to the closing ceremony tomorrow. woohoo.
the best part is i met yuanyeeh and peisi today who always we ponteng together. talking with them really can make u laugh until tear. nothing is funnier than gossiping and having a common enemy.haha. and yuan yeeh looks great on honey-tanned skin, i swear!

why so serious? haha

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